Electronic communications apparatus and property developments tend not to mix very well! Most telecom operators have statutory powers which mean that property owners cannot simply expect them to depart the land or building once a lease or licence has expired or is terminated.
The property owner / developer must consider not only the contract but, in England and Wales, the impact of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954 and, across the whole of the UK, the implications of operators’ rights under The Electronic Communications Code.
In most cases, an operator will wish to ensure that the coverage it currently provides to its customers is replicated via a replacement installation before it will be willing to decommission the existing mast site. The replacement coverage may be from a permanent or temporary installation, generally located within a few hundred metres of the existing apparatus.

If a property owner / developer goes about things the wrong way it may end up with significant delays to the scheme with substantial and disproportionate costs.
From the experience gained in dealing with hundreds of such cases, the dedicated specialist surveyors at Cell:cm know the importance of early engagement with electronic communications operators to outline and discuss development plans. As long as sufficient time has been set-aside and early advice is obtained, Cell:cm should be able to work with you to ensure your development will go ahead on time and within budget, unfettered by the presence of a mast or other electronic communications apparatus.